About Us


The Ambassador Difference

Beach Ambassadors is a grassroots organization originally founded in 2013. The group shares a common goal of giving back to the Hampton Roads community. Beach Ambassadors was founded on the principle that nobody cares more for the success and well being of the Hampton Roads community than the persons who live within it. Members of Beach Ambassadors strive to embrace the community, and make a personal investment into helping maintain the characteristics that make it so special.

One of the most significant characteristics of the Hampton Roads community is the myriad of charitable organizations attempting to do nothing more than help the less fortunate. Be it through providing shelter to the homeless, counsel to the abused, or food, clothing and support to children in need, Hampton Roads has hundreds of active charitable organizations lending a hand where it is needed the most. Beach Ambassadors’ goal is to raise funds through various social events, and provide community service by participating in “hands on” projects. The group actively solicits volunteers to help raise funds, participate in community service projects, and, of course, have FUN while giving back to the community. In the end, all participants take part in an extraordinary event that could benefit the lives of hundreds of Hampton Roads’ less fortunate. It is a win-win for all parties involved.


Serving the Community

Beach Ambassadors support of local charitable organizations is not limited to fundraising events.  The group gets out in the community and participates in various community service projects throughout the year.  For example, throughout 2014, the group worked closely with St. Mary’s Home, participating in a pet therapy day, a swimming day, and in several holiday parties with the children.  In addition, Beach Ambassadors spearheaded a book drive for The Up Center that resulted in the donation of over 7,000 books to the organization’s Workforce Readiness Program.  Beach Ambassadors has a goal to participate in one community service project every month.


Beach Ambassadors plans, coordinates, and oversees social and sporting events to help raise money and awareness for Hampton Roads-based charities. The group’s main fund raiser each year is “Battle of the Beers”, a unique event that pits local, Hampton Roads-based breweries against each other to determine who has the best beer in Hampton Roads. In 2014, over 700 patrons attended the event at Tapped Gastropub, raising over $10,000 for local charities ($7,500 went to St. Mary’s Home, and $2,500 went to charities of the winning brewer’s choice).


The late Jim Valvano, legendary basketball coach of North Carolina State, used to say that every single day, in every walk of life, ordinary people do extraordinary things. These words have served as the driving force behind Beach Ambassadors. Our group is a collection of ordinary people that always strive to do extraordinary things. We urge you to join us and #BeExtraordinary!

“We plan. You play. They benefit”